November 9, 2020

Omnicosmic Observatory Broadcast 4


What is exactly raining when it’s raining.  Of course, you might say water or if your unlucky acid or some other liquid like oil.  To our intuition, you immediately think next, well then, the sky is what is raining.  But as we learn in language study the “it” in it’s raining doesn’t denote to anything at all.  In this age of Anything New, we relearn that there is more to weather and climate in the Omnicosm then what we have already known.  In this broadcast we will discuss weather, from rain to snow, to meteor showers and auroras, and to the often-forgotten intraplanetary weather events. 

The twentieth century was a crazy epoch for weather events, concluding with a planetary scale disaster called El Nino and a continent-wide hole in the ozone layer over the South pole.  That was the past.  In the present, the time when this broadcast reaches you, evidence of a greater global crisis is beginning to emerge, global warming induced climate change.  In this broadcast session, I will guide the discussion on the most comprehensive realization of All things, the sky and its phenomena.” 

“We are on a rogue planet.  It does not get sunny here.  To orientate you and I to the third planet from Sol, the Earth, a world in grave need of focus, I will begin our talk about something contextual like an astronomical event.  Here and now, we are almost four years away from the Second Great American Eclipse.  There and then, we were four years ago witnessing the first Great American Eclipse.  The paths of which both cross the body of the North American continent, intersecting in Carbondale, Illinois.  I believe these times to be symbolic and that these pair of events set a bracket of time most decisive to the fate of the Earth.  What do you remember most from this time period so far Observant one?” 

“I remember it being a rainy year.  I saw many rainbows and even a full double rainbow!  At the beginning of the new decade, there was a late spring.  Trees didn’t bud at their usual time.  This was not at all like how my childhood felt.  In my memories of my suburban oasis of paradise, the forest was synchronized so precisely you could blink and miss the transformation and be transported not in space or time but to an alternate state of reality within a world of things subtly familiar yet strangely alien.  One thing in common was how much the seasons did yet didn’t have in common.” 

“Amazing.  Well, I just want to mention that there are symbols and anomalies synchronizing all over the place lately.” 

“How far back does one need to look to understand the present moment?  The entire history of the Earth is all important but, I feel 65 million years ago really sets the stage for the paradox we are in.  It was then that the 5th great mass extinction event occurred, the impact that wiped out the dinosaurs.  From what I know offhand, something disrupted the ecosystem, plants could not photosynthesize, supporting the root or base of the ecology, due to a cloudy atmosphere caused by the impact.  The oil, made from the lifeforms that were wiped out, fuels the carbon paradox in the present.  Here and now, the Earthlings face a twoness but, what is different is that it is made by intelligent lifeforms and that it is on every level on the ecosystem, from plants to apex predators.  It impacts all aspects of life, omniform.” 

“That is a look at the prehistoric.  In history, the industrial revolution is the context and then next the modern age.” 

“The direct recording of climate started roughly less than 200 years ago.  Estimates before that time are gauged through samplings of things like tree and ice cores.  What data reveals is that temperatures and carbon levels is increasing as time goes on.  Most important are what are the implications of this.” 

“The average global temperature increase does not as it sounds simply mean hotter days.  Carbon is like sugar in a diabetic body.  As carbon goes up for extended periods of time just like glucose in the body, damage becomes systemic and universal throughout the body or in this case the world.  At a point damage becomes irreversible.  Would you say at the time this broadcast reaches Earth that Earth would be at such an irreversible point?” 

“It’s hard to tell.  Some data contradicts this trend.  Remember the year 1815 when the eruption at Tambora caused the following year, 1816, to not have a summer.  Year 1888 had an extreme blizzard.  This is despite the fact that the effect of pollution from industry was starting to show an impact on recorded temperatures.  Other events in history also influenced global temperatures inversely. The Mongol empire caused a global cooling from wiping out ten percent of the global population at that time.  Some theories suggest that the mini-ice age during the middle ages in Europe may have been caused by man made forest fires in North America.  The precautious cessation of industry at the beginning of this decade has also reduced carbon levels temporarily.” 

“I feel that is not a significant change though.  The Artic sea will not have ice coverage in the summer this year despite the cessation of major industry.  The Antartica ice sheet is on the similar verge of a vicious cycle of iceberg breakaways and melting.  Another house of cards is the Amazon rainforest.  If a forest fire were to outbreak then a feedback loop fueled by carbon being released and the insulatory effect of carbon could turn Earth into a Venus.” 

“We know that in this universe low probable anomalies ironically synchronize like the moon and tides and rainy season.  What more could be expected in such a runaway event?” 

“Chaos is more chaotic.  As the weather becomes more chaotic the magnitude of the chaos decreases.  Another paradox.  The vanishing of natural patterns like the Niagara Falls and rivers freezing over.  Isn’t it also ironic that the Milankovitch cycle at the present coincides with the disappearance of rainfall in the Saharan desert and a solar maximum?  This world is vastly a deceptive illusion.  From a distance it seems lush and moist with vegetation and water but, as one zooms in the details show a more morbid picture.  The Earth is vastly salt water, undrinkable.  Most of the world’s population live along coasts.  The water that is immediately accessible cannot fuel consumption. A part of that irony is the heavy metal in fish food sources, fish which are some of the greatest source of protein and vitamins and nutrients in the ecology.  There is a twoness between prehistoric volcanic activity of the dinosaur era which caused the environment to have more toxic metals exposed to life, and with the Pacific Ocean which has become the fate of deadly non-organic forms of metals.” 

“What are some phenomena of the sky that has disappeared?” 

“The last Great Ice Age seems to synchronize with the green Saharan region of North Africa and the Great American glacier.  I think the glacier created a great mass to attract heat away from the equator thus sustaining a green ecosystem in such regions.  With the glacier gone now there is an enormous region of land inhospitable to most lifeforms.  These same regions are connected in historical development.  The melting of the glacier lead to the opening of the Bering plains and the desertification of the Sahara started migration into the Nile river.  Acid rain and smog in Mexico and in Greece during the 20th century caused damage to limestone and marble statues and monuments.  Just from the heat and carbon dioxide of human breathe has caused damage to the Cave of Lascaux.  During World War II, a heat anomaly occurred in 1945.” 

“I can see a twoness here with the All story’s the Quest to Knowing All things and the escalation of warfare leading to the neglect and destruction of the shared world.” 

“Let’s not forget the number of nuclear arsenals enough to destroy the Earth many times over.  Fallout became a meteorological condition in the 20th century just take Chernobyl as an example.” 

“Plagues of insect swarms such as locus, emerald ash borer, cicadas and boll weevil used to cause widescale crop damage.  In 2006, an icy winter caused a mass death of the North American Monarch butterflies.  Earthquakes aren’t exactly weather or a sky related phenomenon but I will draw and semblance between the earthquake in the 13th century that removed the fine limestone covering of the pyramids of Giza, the temples of Abu Simbel earthquake that damaged one of the colossuses, and the 2010 Haitian capital earthquake.” 

“That does seem strange that an earthquake could precisely destroy something so symbolic.  This reminds me of the fact that Native Reservations happen to be in tornado valley.” 

“Moving on.  Another deceptive illusion ironic of Earth is the lack of arable land in some of the largest nations of Asia.  The relatively fast movement of the Indian subcontinent created this.  On a positive note, a great ancient civilization, the Harrapan, flourished along rivers created by the mountain rising caused by this tectonic movement.  Over a long time span, rivers changed courses leading some to speculate this was the demise of such civilization.  Also ironic is how the monsoons bring flooding chaos to a complex civilization. 

Other weather events have changed the course of history.  Kamikaze was the name of a sacred wind that aided the Japanese at defending their homeland from invasion.  Similarly, at the defeat of the Spanish Armada against the English navy, a storm tip the favor of the battle.  Close to the end revolutionary war and D-day, fog was decisive of the outcomes of these events.  Divine intervention weather is also recorded in the Bible.  In the story of Moses, miraculous weather such as the plagues and the fire tornado helped the Hebrews escape Egypt.” 

“People do call the weather phenomena an act of God.  I can feel these times to be either evidence of the return of the creator or his desertion of the Earth.  What I am very sure of is something is not the same.” 

“How about we look at all of creation?” 

“Sol is like the soul of the universe.  Earth is the battleground of the fundamental properties of reality.  It is evident just when looking at the entire solar system and I shall show you why.  There is the sun, a white dwarf star.  Venus is like the sun in planet form while Mercury is like the moon to the sun.  Venus even superficially resembles Sol.  Then there is Earth, an inner blue planet.  The Earth’s symbolism is very complex.  Most of the landmass is in the Northern hemisphere where most of the constellations are and at the present where the magnetic pole is the strongest.  The coasts are very fractal like compared to the coast to area ratio of the Southern hemisphere continents.  The Northern hemisphere continents resemble the continents of exoplanets while the Southern hemisphere continents, South America, Africa, Australia and Antartica, are more like a 2D planet, rounder than the northern continents.  This makes ample room for an interior, something beneficial to sustaining diverse life.  There is a microcosm of this duality in the Mediterranean Sea, the fractal like coast of Greece and the higher area to coast Italy.  Mars completes the primary colors of the inner planets, Venus being yellow, Earth being blue-green and Mars being red.  Jupiter is the 5th planet and has five major stripes on its surface.  The 6th planet Saturn has a six-sided storm on its north pole.  Then next are the two blue outer planets, Uranus symbolizes water vapor, a sky-colored planet visible from the sky and Neptune a dark sea blue planet.  The two being blue creates the form of three blue planets as a pair within a pair, one inner blue planet and two outer blue planets.  Neptune and Uranus are like a pair of eyes.  In the 1990s, a storm in the shape of an eye appeared on the planet Neptune and its renown blue dark spot, similar to Jupiter’s red spot, disappeared.  Wind on Neptune moves faster than the speed of sound.  On Earth, there are hurricanes that resemble the spiral of galaxies.  From the ground level some even report seeing faces and images in the clouds.” 

“Do you think Trappist-1, a 9-planet star system of hot Neptune sized planets, has this much self-referential meta symbolism?” 

“I feel this is Earth’s purpose.  More anomalies and oddities of the Solar system is the imperfections of creation, Venus is an upside-down greenhouse gas runaway moonless terrestrial twin of Earth, the sideways tilt of Uranus and the retrograde orbit of Triton, largest moon of Neptune.  On Earth, the tectonic plate that created the Andes mountain range is also stunting the land of the greatest forest on Earth, Amazonia.  Venus flytraps have also been known to grow around craters.  Earth also has liquid molten tornadoes beneath the surface of a planet.  The southernmost continent is self-contained within its own oceanic circulation.  The sun is also emitting more green light than other colors on the spectrum.  We are not sure however if this may lead to plants burning out from over-stimulation.”   

“There has also been a coincidental silence of supernovas within the visible sky since about the discovery of the Americas.  Evidence of atomic explosions on Mars have been recorded.  Mars also has a twoism with its planet-wide dust storm and the 1930s dust bowl.  I see repeats and foreboding omens symbolized in the solar system.  Perhaps Venus was also a life or at least a life-sustainable world that failed due to an out-of-control global warming.  Oxygen and Carbon, elements of life, properties latent in microcosm add up in macrocosm.  One paradox that any spherical world cannot escape is the cycle of global pressure.” 

“From extraordinary to the mundanely ordinary, what have we not covered that you have observed in weather Observant one?” 

“When I was coming of age, I remember weather being like a mood ring at times, sunny when I’m happy, gloomy when sad.  I still notice the moody sun lighting in some places.  Thunder roared so loudly.  Just recently, I think I heard thunder talking to me. Lightning even responds to my gestures.  That after rain smell, possibly petrichor or geosmin, that I recall from my earliest years came around in spring.  I also remember there being low lying fog and lots of low visibility on cool mornings.  There were also many days when it would be like you’re swimming in water from the thick humidity.  All of that has vanished now.  What is wrong with nature?  Nowadays, it's hard to even access a prediction of weather.” 

“What is the state of the world now?” 

“Almost 12,000 years ago, human biomass took up only a tenth of lifeforms.  Fast-forward to the present and humanity is nearly all the biomass of nature.  Carbon levels are acidifying the oceans.  In 2016, a huge fraction of coral reefs was bleached.  It rains plastic.  There is a huge galaxy gyre of plastic along the North American coast in the Pacific.  Above, there is the problem of space junk.  Chemical synergy and the molecular zoo of man made chemicals do make me wonder if eyes burn underwater.  Nuclear power plants release thermal pollution.  We do know that temperature can have an effect on the development of some species.  Medicine for the rising epidemic of diabetes is causing sewage to change the sex of fish.  Radio toxicity may be affecting the magnetosphere disrupting animal migrations.  Landfills and livestock are leeching methane into the atmosphere.  Volcanic activity is releasing inert argon into the air which buildup.  Cities become epicenters of extreme weather conditions, radical heat and cold.  Rapidly melting fresh water threaten to disrupt warm salt water ocean currents.  Aral Sea has disappeared from the map.  Crop failure in 2015 caused a mass of refuge migration in the Middle East.  Heat is also causing forest fires in the American southwest and Australia.” 

“’So, we die here’ has said the Observant one.  Within a light-year year the Earth seems fated to an untimely demise.  Arhythm seems lost from nature as a metaphorical black hole of runaway dilemmas spiral away at exponential rate stunting even chaos itself.  Of all the most ironic is that the greatest realization of All things, the sky, an illusion it can never be reached, is deleted from reality during the process of its destruction.  Light pollution like in the All story’s A Sky without Stars and The Illusion of Sky and Reality, separates the consciousness and cosmos from full self-awareness and understanding.  What is the sky... 

...A defeat for the Earthlings.”

P.S. This is an Omnicosm of All things work that was made in an unforeseen future.

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