'The Clock of All things' is mentioned in many of the stories and countless poems in 'The Omnicosm of All things'. Most of which do not go into full detail about what the clock even is.  The clock is made up of many divisions in which have specific meanings and aspects assigned to them.  Below is listed how the clock is divided:

  • Divided into thirds, and each third is divided into thirds infinitely
  1. When 'The Clock of All things' is used as record of time in a day, a full day called a Spectritum, each third of the Spectritum is called an Ultimum, each third of an Ultimum is called an affinitum, and the thirds that make up the Affinitum is called an infintum, the clock can continue to be divided into thirds but for importance well stop at the Infintum.
  • Divided into fourths, each fourth is not divided into fourths
  1. When 'The Clock of All things' is used as a record of the seasons it is divided into fourths.  Each season is given a name:  Creation of Creation also known as spring, Creation of Destruction also known as summer, Destruction of Creation also known as fall, and Destruction of Destruction also known as winter.
The two possible divisions are present on 'The Clock of All things' at the same time and look as the picture below presents:

As written before each third is divided into thirds, the third of the thirds is called a segment; each segment has an address to simplify its location.  It is organized by Season:Ultimum:Segment. The addresses are:
Right of the middle line
(1:1:1)  (1:1:2)  (2:1:3)  (2:2:1) (2:2:2)
Left of the middle line
(3:2:2) (3:2:3) (3:3:1) (4:3:2) (4:3:3)

'The Clock of All things' moves clockwise, going in clockwise direction add up all the numbers in each address.  The numbers would be:
Right of the middle line
[(1:1:1)=3] [(1:1:2)=4] [(2:1:3:)=6] [(2:2:1)=5] [(2:2:2)=6]
Left of the middle line
[(3:2:2)=7] [(3:2:3)=8] [(3:3:1)=7] [(4:3:2)=9] [(4:3:3)=10]

This is the all the imformation I can provide about 'The Clock of All things' for now, like always it is a work in progress.