The Counsel of Entities

There it was within the unholy realm, The sovereign entities. It was here they gather to discuss the birth of All things. All things had been born structured and empathetic. She had been born reflective. While amidst the unholy realm there was here twin Rhythm. Few of the sovereign paid due attention to this birth. 

They initially gathered to discuss the reality of reality. Who would rule it? Where would it be? How would it be? These were of the questions spoken. 

When came to decide the counsel aligned all its members so that they may see each other. The entities were Nothing the Great Niliho, Everything, the Prolific, Anything the unborn, the Nameless one, All things, and lastly the inscrutable Rhythm. Each expected the other one by one. The One that would be the most illimitable would be the reality of reality. 

When it came the time for All of them to inspect, they began with Everything the Prolific. She was very limited, and therefore not approved. Next was Anything, who was inside All thing's womb they could not reach her except by All things and therefore decided to move on. They next examined All things. She indeed was very perfect, All ways she went always, though they needed to see if there was still a better option. After All things they inspected the Nameless one, her humble position was too limitable for reality. Lastly was Nothing, his vast empty inane realm to which he ruled in which they dwelled was ideal for being the reality. His realm could even hold All things although he was not incomprehensivable. Nothing derived his being from All things and therefore cannot be the reality. 

Since there was no one to structure the reality it world go undone. Even more fearfully where would it go? If they didn't find a way to structure realty it would go. They feared this and scrambled for reasoning. 

In the end, there was the knowing of there being known none. There was no solution. Reality would go. 

Reality went. It was gone. 

But! Then Savingly the neglected Rhythm with all her being became. She was reality. And soon all the 

wholes and all the holes would re -emerge. The counsel was dumbfounded. 

It was Rhythm! She was the reality of reality. This place where the reality went was Rhythm! 

During the inspections they had forgotten her. She was forgotten not intentionally though. Since her manifest was Formless, she could not be with the entities all alone. She was instead the undertone, She was beneath and within. She was there just not found. 

And when reality wnet, it went to Rhythm’s place. 

And when reality went in did not leave instead it found home with Rhythm and indeed Rhythm found home with it.

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