November 13, 2020

Omnicosmic Observatory Broadcast 5


“To the Observant One, the only dimension that mattered was one, the one you are in in the present.  This is a form of presentism.  A more extreme form of presentism argues that only the present exists.  The Observant one contrasted this to eternalism, the whole dimension of time and alternate times.  In this broadcast, we will discuss dimensions and introduce an esoteric concept of ‘macros.’” 

“It’s great to be back again for another discussion.  Just to highlight what we will discuss in this session, I will list a few.  Nothing, what dimensions are, the dimensions themselves, objects in these dimensions like macros, inter-dimensions like DNA, genetics and the mind, optical illusions, the Earth in relation to dimensions, the Clock of All things, multidimensional synchronicities, a review of the All story’s The Measure, the paradox of life as we know it in relation to dimensions and the half dimension implications for the 5-universe that we may be in are amongst the topics we will cover.” 

“That sounds like a lot.  Let me get comfortable.” 

“Yes, I know my research has served me well.  Okay.  So, Nothing is the –1st and 0th dimension.  As I’m sure you have heard before Nothing is all the things that could not be, the –1st dimension, while 0th dimension is all the things that no longer could be.  For example, red-green is a color in many systems that could not be, never has and may never will be under the same conditions of physics that we know of.  But, with this new age of Anything New we may someday be surprised.  I digress.  An example of a phenomena that is 0th dimension is trilobites, they have existed for millions of years yet have disappeared from the fossil record millions of years ago, extinct.  But there is a problem with these examples, one is a fundamental epiphenomenon of matter while the other is a multicellular species.  Do you know of any physical phenomena that has ceased to exist in the known universe?” 

“Well, the idea of uniformitarianism states that the processes and behaviors found in nature existed likewise in the past as they do in the present.  The laws of physics are eternal or so we think.” 

“New states and forms of matter do arise though.  It’s just that the mediators are intelligent lifeforms.  Element 43 and absolute zero had once not occurred in nature but, they exist now in small controlled quantities and dimensions.  This is subtly relevant to the topic of our discussion.  What is a dimension?  There are many definitions of dimension but the two relevant definitions go as follows; a property of space or a measurement of width, length and such.  A dimension can also be defined as a parallel universe or space. 

The first dimension I will discuss is the 1st dimension.  In abstract, the 0th dimension is a point, neither length nor width.  The 1st dimension is length.  The 2nd dimension encompasses objects like angles and pointed ellipses, having both length and width.  There is a dimension between 1st and 2nd, it is the 1 ½th dimension.  This dimension includes spirals, that which is only length with pseudo-width.  The next higher dimension is the 3rd dimension or conventionally called depth.  In the form of extreme presentism, we are 3-dimensional objects.  The fourth dimensions is time and the fifth is alternate times.  Like we discussed in the broadcast of hypersolids, planets are an example of 5-dimensional objects.  Forsake of brevity, I’ll touch upon the subject of the 6th dimension.” 

“You mention that planets are in the 5th dimension.  What would be some examples of objects in the other dimensions?” 

“Dimensions three and beyond are merely a reference meaning you could arbitrarily designate something other than time as the fourth dimension.  In this broadcast we will keep the same consistent designation that is convention.  I want to talk about ‘macros,’ a nickname amongst dwellers for objects of this nature.  A car, a soda can, a pillow, a bed, a lamp, a toilet, a sponge, a drum, a necklace, a ball, a disembodied heart, a disembodied brain, a tooth, an easel, a lemon, a gun, a book, a spool of thread, a cellphone, a computer, a calculator, a shovel, a tree branch, a flower, a telescope, a mirror, a bar of gold, a bar of soap, an icicle, a toy, a meteorite, a plastic anything, a drying machine, a photograph, a painting, a shoe, an egg are all examples of ‘macros.’” 

“The list is truly endless.  But what do these objects have in common other than being inanimate or organic objects?  When we look at these objects with respect to the bigger picture, we see relations that are integral to our existence in presentism and eternalism.” 

“The car, the automobile is the enigma of global warming and climate change.  We cannot imagine a present like now different without it.  To rethink the world without its carbon dilemma one must rethink the world without the automobile.  Similarly, the soda can and the plastic anything are exemplars of the manmade pollution worldwide crisis.  Plastic and metal leeches thousands of toxic unnatural chemicals into the ecology.  There are even macros in space, known as space junk where most objects are smaller than the size of the hand.” 

“Most of these objects are less than two meters in the longest dimension and serve as a tool or are of teleological or affordance nature.  Putting this aspect of use and size in perspective, you can see there is another dimension that needs analysis and attention here.  I believe we are coming into awareness of a pause, an asymptote unlike seen before the rise of intelligent life.  At first life evolved from small multicellular organisms into megafauna.  With the extinction of megafauna, the largest living things that roam the Earth are less than human size such as a cat, a gazelle, a dolphin, a pig, a crocodile, a cougar.  Is this a trend?  Is life getting stuck in the dimension of ‘macros’ like the manmade omnifarious artifacts and objects?  What is above this pause?  Is ‘macros’ a paradox?  With higher accessibilities of nutrients wouldn’t we see a rise in size amongst Earth’s intelligent lifeforms and their pets?” 

“Stimulating questioning you pose.  Let’s not forget the unprecedented objects like the Mars rover and the space probes that fit into the ‘macros’ dimension.  What is above and less than ‘macros?’” 

“I quote the All story’s The Measure: ‘There was as there has been in Rhythm, a measure within All things. This measure is referred to as The Measure. For it is that The Measure, connotes to the self imposing all that it seems upon All things. This is the self's way to decipher the message Rhythm dances. Something was the first to use this measure. It was when she was solely the nameless one. Knowing herself came with only a measurement, her own.’  This quote explains how we define what dimensions lie above and below ‘macros.’  The self is key to defining where the dimension begins and ends.  I know you have heard of the phrase naked eye vision.  This is the self, the naked eye sight, as the threshold to define what size, space, something is.  This is easy, microbes and particles and molecules lie in this self-defined dimension.  But what of things beyond macros size?  We know at a certain size asteroids are more spherical.  Gravity creates a unidimension, inwards, flattening all irregular features.  This is a definite threshold of what is above macros, the spherical or in the case of galaxies circular dimension.  We did mention that planets such as Earth size are 5th dimensional but we cannot conclude if all spheroid objects near this magnitude are 5th dimensional.” 

“We’ll leave that open ended for now.  How about we discuss inter-dimensions?” 

“An inter-dimension is one where a code of information transcends the information of the object itself.  Take DNA as our first example.  DNA is composed of a phosphate and sugar group as the sides of the double helix and nitrogenous bases, adenine, thymine, guanine, cystosine, in between the sides of the molecule.  In the gene for lactose tolerance, a single point mutation changes cystosine to thymine.  Individuals with cystosine thymine or thymine thymine versus cystosine cystosine  can digest milk in adulthood.  But what does it inherently mean?  What about a cystosine in place of a thymine makes lactose indigestible? 

Let’s look at language, an inter-dimension.  Each language is its own enclosed system, words defined by words.  Like matter and antimatter, you cannot have a form that includes particles from both matter and antimatter.  Like water and oil, two unrelated languages do not mix and dynamics of the system do not interfere with the other.  Like with some species of amphibian, only timing of mating keeps the species from interbreeding.  What keeps spoken language, sound with meaning, referring to the same shared subject?  Well, with the case of written language the same shared subject can be lost.  Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, Harrapan and Rapanui written language have at some point been lost, the pronunciation of words and the meaning of words.  Symbols are empty when they do not have a living analogue like a Rosetta stone from which to interpret an equivalent in meaning.  Something continuously outside itself is needed to keep language meaningful.  Just like something outside is needed to determine oblivion from obliviously obvious for the Observant one.  The meaning is intrinsic not coming from without.  Such an example may be the ‘n’ phoneme for negative words; Nothing, nada, neither, non, nor, nope, no, never do not all have the same root but arise to the same occasion.  Words that do imitate sounds from without the language are onomatopoeia words; meow, bang, vroom.  Like any enclosed system entropy increases.  Words begin to drift from reference sound.  Perhaps that is why language does not parrot the exact timbre of the referenced sound source. 

Like a key or legend on a map, what is the reference that DNA is construing its meaning from?  There is a big difference between language and DNA though.  DNA is a substance while language is an energy wave that travels through most substances.  For example, on Mars the atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide aside from this making communication via air more effortful the sound communicated remains the same as it would on Earth.  The matter didn’t matter.” 

“I like to think of DNA as 4-dimensional memory.  It encodes quality and quantity.  The human mind is like language and DNA.  Neurons have their own code for what sensation causes which perception.  What dimension is the mind and mental phenomena?  Is it 3-dimensional or 2-dimensional like a virtual object, a webpage, being a 2D, one faced object?  A web image is inversely information that transcends coded information.  Say a mental simulation of a cube, the imagination and mental image has more information than sensation because mental insight knows it is a 3D object.” 

“Our minds create objects in our perception.  Optical illusions of objects that have a self-contradictory appearance.  Optical illusions like impossible objects are in nature something intrinsic to the second dimension.  Penrose triangle, Necker cube, impossible trident and Penrose stairs are all examples of objects that do not represent a real 3D object but follow the logic of 3D representation in the second dimension.  From the Measure ‘When a thing travels through the dimensions and it is without the necessary measurement for that dimension it gains a new face for its shape of identity.  Because of its new face it is not known the same as it was in its origin dimension.  A cube on a 2D medium will lose its volume and depth but gain a face of its representation when it is distorted into 2D.’  Schroeder stairs has ambiguity but no self-contradictory form.  The ambiguity arises from the lack of detail for example no shading or texture, symbols are impoverished.  There is such a thing called canonical perspective which is the conventional direction to view a 3D shape represented in 2D.  Anamorphosis is the phenomenon where the representation of a 2D object loses its distortion from a noncanonical perspective.” 

“In the 3rd dimension, there is zoomorphism the use of animal forms as décor, living things seeming like other objects in the third dimension.  Think of a hand impression in clay.  It leaves the shape of some part of an organic object.  The greatest illusion of the 3rd dimension is outside and inside.  In the third dimension there are two forms of inside, a hollow inside, such as an empty room and a metaphorical inside such as the lungs or mind.  These two forms of inside emerge from the generalization of hollow objects.  A paracosm or daydream is an object that is intrinsic to the mind dimension coded in its own idiosyncratic language usings its own unique source of memories.” 

“Now let’s talk about multidimensional synchronicities.  Can you explain your experience with this Observant one?” 

“Just this year my mother and I synched.  Her age is as old as I am tall.  I remember being a toddler at four years old and being four feet four in height.  Just a couple days ago the time of day was 11:11 am and November the 11th.  It is the year 2020 and only the files I have record of from 2002 survived my old computer crashes.” 

“I am sure there are countless more synchronicities but, I am sure our audience gets the point.” 

“There are dimensions within dimensions like the area of a table top in a room in contrast to the area of a desk in the same room.  Paintings and posters are an example of dimensions in the vertical second dimension.” 

“Speaking of vertical, human shelters have overcome the limitation of living near the ground.  I think one could describe cities as the 6th dimension because there are so many timelines that are different parallel to one another.  The Earth’s surface is in the relatively 2-dimesional dimensions of countries, nations.  Ownership is defined by the surface dimension inwards.  Earth is in simultaneously the previous and next day, 5th dimensional, a hypersolid.  With regards to the definition of dimensions as a parallel universe, I question if the earth as we know it is inevitable existing in every timeline?  In the Measure, it is explained that ‘The subsequent dimension is the matrix for all the beyond and all the preliminary antecedents. That dimension would become to be known as Time it invented reflection in the continuum of its multiplication products.  This dimension is quintessential to the happening of reality thus it requires measurement in order to construe an equation.’ As we learned about 4 in the quantitative qualitative numerology, four is the first instance of a reflecting number, it has an interior dimension, a cubic unit through time...Days divided into numbers.  Eternity made simplified.  Time is known as a measurement, a technology and a tool.  It is a distortion of reality so that we understand the sum of the parts.  If such a thing could ever be complete what it may be in further time.  Measurements are models for reality, not exact.  They can be scaled and distorted.  The process of such is a repercussion of limp limbs, where distortion usurps the quality of actual reality.  As a consequence, information is lost the further from the origin that it is translated.  Any information that takes homage in a particular dimension is in need of another measurement or surface to persist in the rest, or if they are to be translated to a dimension beneath then the information that cannot be shown is represented through taught understanding and accepted meaning.’” 

In the future, we will go in depth about how the paradox of life as we know it is in relation to dimensions.  The importance of the origin of the mind, fight or flight, instinct and pain, the half dimension implications for the 5-universe that we may be in and the zigzag spiral half dimension spiral in 5-universe patchwork of different rules with no consistency and lastly the dimension of sound specifically music.  But we will cut our session short for convenience.”

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