October 17, 2020

Omnicosmic Observatory Broadcast 1


Many ancient peoples had their own transmissions throughout known space.  A speculated rogue hypersolid, 4-dimensional, planet named Oasis b3129459 in the Andromeda galaxy will enter the solar system habitable zone in the distant future when the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies merge thus becoming the 10th planet.  This will be its ultimate resting place.  Metaphysically, the planets are connected and therefore energy flows between the two of them like a portal in the present.  In predeterministic universes, a phenomenon similar to historical recurrences occurs but instead with objects on a trajectory and collision course in the future.  Singularity events have backward interference in other words the future shapes the past.  As the worlds become more entwine resemblance begins to propagate and things become increasingly certain like the impact of space debris on Jupiter or a runaway greenhouse effect on Venus.  Because there is limit to the speed of light, awareness of a future unknown event warps reality to making something inevitable, such as the death of a star coinciding with the era of complex life and recorded history on Earth and chance of existing at the time while the cosmic microwave background is still observable.  It is not mere chance that things happen the way they will or have.  Visions, thoughts and dreams supernaturally communicate this future to the present receptive minds in Sol and on the rogue hypersolid planet.  Sadly, Mathom’s broadcasts, or in other words Earth’s radio and omnicosmic rays, are being anonymously listened by the nearby intelligent lifeforms.  In these discoveries of ancient broadcasts, the broadcasts are transcribed here so that you may learn more of the Omnicosm of All things.  Since this is the first broadcast discovered, it begins mid conversation with the beginning being unknown. 

“So, you were saying in point 19 of 20 that Arhythm is not equivalent to the lack of Rhythm,” said the dweller.   

“Before I go on about how Arhythm is not merely the lack of Rhythm, I must recapitulate what we have covered,” responded the interviewee.  “The number line in essence is 2.  There are two twos, one negative and one positive.  There are two halves in holistic 1 and two twos in four.  There are two infinities, a negative and a positive.  In notation, one needs two numerals to represent a decimal or fraction value.  Two is a value in every number that succeeds 2.  Some double digits integers of the number line have a whole root, two numbers that are identical.  A minimal of two points is needed to create a two-dimensional object.  Even the operators come in two like addition and subtraction, division and multiplication. 

  Two types of 2D objects are one-directional 2-dimensional and two faced 2-dimensional.  There are many kinds of two, plurality two, subtle two, integer two, superficial two, approximate two, meta two, repetition and so on.  Humanoid life forms are an embodiment of twoing, two sets of limbs, two eyes and two sets of two eyelids, two sets of two lips, two legs and two arms, an inside and an outside.  In reproduction, female and male sexes where the male is a 2 competing two for 2 can be observed.   It is even in the sound of thought such as too, to, into, pair words like within and without, macrocosm and microcosm.  Our primitive understanding of the universe is based on ratios, or the relation between two values.  Even time at its most contextual unit, the second, has twoism in it.  Lastly, I’ll mention, there are two and three which comes in two forms of pairing, each of an irrational root.  Connections are made with two.” 

“Isn’t it true that even zero has two in it, such as magnitude and integer and being a part of both negative and positive number lines?” 

“Values have types of values and a value of values such as the list of 7 aforementioned types of values that two can have.  Zero has two such known type of values, magnitude and integer, but, it also has more lesser known types of values like 0=2.  Values are root of eternal measure.  One cannot have one and zero without two and maybe three.  A value can also be an overlap where two values exist in the same space simultaneously.  Spiral is where multiple points are parallel to each other that can be expressed by a single curve.  In the expression, -2+”2”+|2|+22, the same operator is used on each value.  Going from left to right, -2 is in the left like the negative number line, followed by “2” in the twoness relation, root two is in the second to last position preceding a larger value as the positive number line would do while the cubed 2 which equals 4 is in the 4th position.”  

“As we have all learned from the omnicosmic ray, before there were the children of All things, there was Rhythm and All things, beyond quality and the essence of quantity.  What happens when we look at the most fundamental operator, addition?” 

“Well, we see that the most near symmetrical expressions begins at 5 or 2+3.   Five is a true odd number. When we think of evens, two comes to mind.  It can be divided into by two and sometimes there are two twos from the division into by two, such as the number 4.  But this thinking is incomprehensive, for it is also odd numbers, beside value 1, that have twoness.” 

“Really?  Tell me about odds and evens.” 

“Remember when I mentioned earlier all the operators in the Omnioperator.  Well, you can manifest a complex expression as points in a matrix.  Just as we think of an infinitely large universe as 2 dimensional or flat, so should we think of infinity as an odd number because if you add one to infinity it will always be infinity and odds are essentially and an even plus one.” 

“With the exception being equidistant 3.” 

“Yes, equidistant 3 is an exception and one of the strangest phenomena in the Omnicosm.  Time can be thought of as both types of 3, two in within two, also known as a pair inside a pair, and equidistant 3, past, present, future.  Three is a balanced odd.  It may be a bootstrap paradox. 

I mean reality could have ended at 2 but then equidistant 3 came along as if as another paradox in the number line.  Think of an equilateral triangle, the simplest shape you can have, it is fundamentally threeness.  Three is a necessary evil.  It creates its own number line, 3, 9, 15, 21, 27, 33 etc, without twoness.  And another number line with both twoness and threeness and no prime numbers.  It is with 2 and 3 that we get values that are an even-odd number, 6.” 

Can more be said about 2?” 

“The Omnioperator enables us to see patterns within patterns.  I’ll mention just a few more attributes of two.  2 is a variable.  Magnitude, fractal and negated “2” are more types of values of 2 in reality manifestation.  Remote 2 is the weakest 2 in log number line.  Plurality 2, when 2 loses its twoness equidistant.  Symmetry 2 is descript to the human 2.  Three to 2 is a true number.  ½ is the essential factor of rounding.  One is inseparable from you inseparable 2.  One within one equals two.  Two is subdivision.  Four is a multiple.  Two and four are alter egos.  Sometimes 4 is even considered a building block of the Omnicosm.  However, -4 in concept that does not behave like a 2ness, 2 2/9, 20/9.  Repeat 2 equals 1+1 loop, overlap.  Sometimes, I jest if two is yellow, a color of questionable nature.” 

“Wow, so much can be said about two.  Maybe this is why like you mentioned before with 0, 1, 2, 3 and sometimes 4 are building blocks and how humanoid lifeforms are twoing.  Do you hypothesize any number does not have twoness?” 

Decimals with repeating odds are number line are without twoness, an example would be 0.117771.  These are also a catchall form for all values.” 

“What about the rest of the single digit numbers?” 

“The first 7 integers, 0 through 6, come into being all at once like All things New.  Two is new.  In humanoid lifeforms faces can be thought of as a 2 of 2 2s between a 2 of 2.  With Rhythm we say 2 from 2 2 unto 2 and 3 within 2. Two is analogous to 1=1 and one to one.  Sub-numbers, 1,2,3,4 are numbers that theoretically are not the reference origin of the number line.  In some theories it starts at 5.  Four is four types of 1.  Four is not real symmetry while 6 shows the true beginning of artificial awareness.  Four within a fourth is a well-known fractal.  Five has a unique number line where reality flickers in and out, 0 5 10 15 20 25 etc.  Five is unbalancing except 1/5=0.20.  Unit 5 2+3 or ½ + 1/3, a polymorph of 2 relation 3 would be 6.  Eternal wisdom tells us that 5 is self-contradiction, pre-psychic, a tool for reality and determinism in contrast to the next whole natural number 6, the paradox.  Because 6 is even and odd it loops back to the origin, 0, which is the first even and odd number. 

“Do you think we are living in a 5-universe?” 

“Well let’s look at some basic evidence.  We know most bodies have an output for waste and an input for feeding.  As with All things we are seeing now in Anything New, systems like these are susceptible to inward spiraling, experience is becoming more negative as output accumulates into the input.  Like with air pollution and breathing in zero gravity environments, waste without sufficient circulation begins to build up around the source.  Sometimes there is no waste as with the reflection two mirrors facing one another.  It eventually dims due to byproduct of light be absorbed and scattered.  Eyes are similar to this where the reflection in recursion eventually gets so much smaller that it cannot be viewed by the observer.  You can die from your own exhaust.  Such would be the case with global warming, where emissions trap more heat into an enclosed system, entropic.  The symbol, Ouroboros, presents an ideal version of this concept, an infinite cycle sustained by self-consumption, a perpetual motion machine.  Numbers are like this, self-creating or an instance of a bootstrap paradox.  Hastily and unprecedented evolved systems such as bipedalism with immemorial systems such as the digestive tract, are the paradox we are within.  One cannot escape.  As with the industrial era, we wonder with the fuel crisis of the modern day if there is enough accessible fuel to take flight and leave this vicious cycle.  This makes it seem as if our demise is inevitable, you are damned no matter what you do at this point.   

For macro objects, greater magnitude is needed to cancel the risk of self-destruction.  In physics, every action has an equal opposite reaction.  In 5-universes, the subjective experience is an indirect byproduct of different structures.  So, we are stuck with the fact that reality is mostly unpleasant because pleasure was not the strongest driving force in evolution.  It uses pain to form memories and learning.  Does this mean that learned omniscience entities have experienced infinite pain to retain their omniscience? 

To better understand if we truly are in a 5-universe, a dead-end reality that flickers in and out of existence, then we must examine other universes of this pattern.  Exponents are needed to describe this kind of world.  There are negative universes such as the uniform negated number line of negative infinity.  In a 4-universe, there would balance and simple reflection.  Ultimately, I would want to be in any universe above a 6-universe which are corrective of the blind potential of 5-universes, 7 likely being the best.  There is more imagination and creativity in a 7-universe like paracosms.” 

“What are other implications of 5, the first true odd number?” 

“Look next in the sequence of the odd number line.  You get 7, a random number.  Seven is meta of the numbering of number.  Evidence for this would be the product of the multiplications of 7, 7 14 21 28 35 42 49, where the products in root sum are not in uniform increasing continuum. Seven has two extremities; a holistic extremity and a within extremity.   There is a 7 in 5.  The only even prime and irrational number 2 is subpart of 7.” 

“I remember you mentioning in point 18 of 20 about numbers and cognition.  With this perspective how would we look at the rest of the single digit integers?” 

“The value 8 is a barrier in cognition.  The conscious mind can readily count the magnitude of 8 in an organized group and in limited scattering. When we look at the shapes within a cube there are 8 to 6 triangles in superficial overlap.  Nine has balance but like 7 and of 1-9.  9.999 is decimation.  The fractions 10/9 01/9=0.111 show a twoness with repetition.” 

“How about double-digit numbers?” 

“In western convention, the number 10 starts the double-digit notation.  Though in eternal wisdom 10 itself needs a single symbol for notation.  Some properties of 10 would that it propagates zero.  10 is pre11, a number in the value of itself, a metanumber.  Ten is only a unit greater than 1.  Ten is scale.   We see that 10, 11 = 21, 22.  The means to expressing 1, 11, 111, 1,111 is a strange loop because to acquire this sum one finds themselves using a similar method to achieve numbers that have the same essence.  Super fraction 22 11/22=22 ½.  In the study of abstract manifest of numbers 22=4, where there is a twoness in 11, a number that superficially root sum equals two but is no product of two.  22 is the first example of asymmetrical symmetry.  While we not delve into all numbers beyond 20 but between 100, I will highlight that 48 is more like 4 within 4 so you get a sense of how certain numbers beyond 20 show this rudimentary wisdom.” 

“As you were saying in the philosophy of oneness in point 1 of 20, one has many overlooked wisdom.” 

“Now, let’s cover 1 and 0.  As an exponent, zero reduces all values to 1.  One is quirky and idiosyncratic like 2 when it comes to being a prime number. One is numberer than 0.  Zero and 1 are like 2 and 4.  The equation 0=2 zero corrupts twoness.  In the sequence 1-1 10 12 11 13 and 1^2^3^4^…, the pattern shows that one has many polymorphs.  -1 is more of a whole number, no ½.  In Omnioperator, –1 is point.  1.1 is good bracket for numbers less than 1 or 0.000...001. 

“As you can see there seems to be values with these qualities missing from the number line.” 

“Obvious examples of missing numbers would be in products of 13 26 39 52 65 78 91 104 117.  Within the first 9 products of single digit numbers, there is a reflection point where the previous product oneth place is the next products tenth place.  An example, 8 16 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 where the reflection point is 8x7 and 8x8.  Six also shows this pattern but further away in the products.  06 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108: reflection point being 6x13 and 6x14.  A pattern can be visible when put into the notation ab(b a b b) a | b (b a b a).   The reflection point 5,6, a sub magnifier sub repeat digit, is the middle reflection at 9x6=54.  Something vanishes in 10 perfected in 9 45, 50 9, 10.  It for this reason the value 10 begins the multi-digit format.  For other single digits I give the example 5 44, 48 and 11, 12 4 39, 52 13, 14 There is a gap, no 40s product.  In the positive number line cubed, 9 and 16 repeat in a higher unit 169 and 196.  We are still uncovering the Adzev knowledge of missing values on the addition positive whole number line.” 

“Looking back to point 8 of 20, can more be said of infinity?” 

“We have discovered more findings about the concept infinity.  There are an infinite number of infinite infinities.  Negative infinity has no multiply Omnioperator so not origin of the number line.  Infinite 0 expressions are superficial observation while frame reference 0 is insightful.  We find that root infinity has infiniteness.” 

“Why should one communicate these number patterns with Rhythm?” 

“Your language shows your wisdom.” 

“As you have heard the first 20 numbers of the number line all have the most unique and unprecedented identities especially when compared to numbers above 1,000.  So we’ll conclude our session with our wisdom of Rhythm and Arhythm.” 

“Qualitative quantitive numerology is what we are discussing here, a new form of looking at numbers.  Rhythm is not merely repetition.  Rhythm is a pattern, something consistent.  Because Arhythm was found in Nowhere, not much is known about it.” 

“What humbler way is there to begin our omniscience of infinity than with the first 20 values of the number line.” 

Next broadcast will transmit images of number patterns. 

P.S. This is an Omnicosm of All things work that was made in an unforeseen future.

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