August 16, 2023


Entry:  Clock of All things 

Central to “the Omniverse of All things” is the Clock of All things.  The Clock is explained in depth by its conceptual All story’s, “Moving All things Clock.”  In “Moving All things Clock,” the Dweller narrates that the Clock was created to measure the pulse of the omniverses and microcosms that repeated the cycle on a smaller scale.  The Clock does not measure universal time which is independent from space and matter.  The Clock goes in order of the Children of All things.  The order of the Children of All things goes from Nothing, Everything and then Anything.  The stages are called New.  Each stage has a meaningful metaphor to which repeats on all sizes and planes of existence.  The stage of Nothing New is when all information and emotions are known, and All things is new.  Everything New is about forgetting and learning.  It is the stage which overlaps with the era of the Creation of Destruction.  There are four eras or seasons on the Clock of All things; Creation of Creation, Creation of Destruction, Destruction of Creation and Destruction of Destruction.  This quad matrix of permutations is ordered in the relation of cause and consequence.  There is intrinsic logic to creation that it begets destruction, and that destruction then eliminates creation leading to only destruction.  The Creation of Creation is the beginning creating itself, paradoxical in nature.  Yet more so, creation can create its own opposite, destruction.  The era of Creation of Destruction is both paradoxical and self-contradictory.  The Destruction of Destruction is not paradoxical.  Destruction being as something that can be lessened by itself.  The current era is the era of Destruction of Creation and the stage of Anything New.  Anything New has been alikened to a frantic searching for truth and reasoning in the immediate world. It was in this stage that the Clock of All Clocks of “the Clock of All things” was created. Something New is the most creative and harmonizing.  There are many Clocks throughout the omniverse, ones for smaller scales like the time span of a day.  In the first order, whose origin is lost to time immemorial is the Clock of All Clocks of “the Clock of All things.”  According to All story’s, the oldest Clock has been frozen in time to prevent the death of All things which also ended all the Dwellers by capturing them in the Pillar of Nothing that holds up a newer omniverse above its own.  New Discoveries have revealed more complexity to the Clock of All things.  Other depictions of the Clock of All things show two overlapping clockfaces centered with a pi eye with adjacent overlapping side of pi eye which has concentric circles. There is a droplet, a circle and an oval in the middle pi eye. Each sector of the Clock hints at its next iteration. The Watchers of the Clock of All things who are a secret society guard the Clock of All things. The Watchers are enlightened with the knowledge of the Clock’s history and workings. Due to the nature of the secret society, they remain in obscurity and such inner structure is a mystery. 

Omnihorology is the accompanying methodology for the mythos surrounding this primordial and emergent tool.  In Omnihorology, there are nine increments to the Clock of All things.  The length to the stage of Nothing New is equivalent to ratio of pi minus one fourth.  Everything New stage is three segments long while the stage of Anything New is greater than or equal to two Affinitum units.  The stage of Something New measures to two Affinitums long and the stage of Dweller’s Rule is less than one segment. Lastly, there is the age of All things NewIt is when the Clock of All things is on the nineThe Clock is one day or called a Spectritum which is equivalent to three UltimumsAn Ultimum measures to be 120 AffinitumsAn Affinitum is 40 Infinitums and an Infinitum is 13 and 1/3 EffectumsSmaller such units exist like an Affectum, Aspectritum and a LuminitumThe Affinitums represent a stellar systemEach Affinitum has a label or address consisting of three numbers (season:Ultimum:segment); the first indicates either one through four whether fourth the Affinitum is in.  The next number indicates the Ultimum and the third number indicates the AffinitumThe addresses have an alternating positive-negative pattern that reverses the difference between the two sums of the addresses, a polarityThe address sum of the first segment has an opposed relation to the last segment address while the address sums for the fourth and seventh segment are an exponent relation of two and three verses an addition relation.

Omnicosmic Tarot Card of the Week

 August 16th, 2023

33rd week of the year

Seven of Cups

The Mesoherbian looks into the plentiful supply of harvest stored away.  There is a wait, a pause in deciding what to receive from the basket.  Perhaps this card indicates for this week that there are many options to choose from that can lead to confusion.  Try taking time to reflect on which each bounty means to yourself when choosing from what lies ahead.

August 9, 2023

Omnicosmic Tarot Card of the Week


August 10th 2023 

32nd week of the year 

Page of Cups 

Queen Calacumbus performs a ritual atop the flat-topped pyramid named Zag. Remember in the story the queen uses the rituals as a way to distract from the invading giants and the season of Death. The ritual participant, maybe a priest, gently bestows their head and firmly holds the cup, waiting for the next step in the ordered procedure. Perhaps this card appearing for the 32nd week of the year indicates participating in daily activities. Moreso, it could mean following along with someone else’s plan. It could be dry and boring or, just to make ends meet.